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Oct 17, 2023

Custom category slugs

As of today, you can change the slug of a category.

What is a slug?

A slug is a set of words or numbers used in a URL for a specific webpage, such as example.com/this-is-the-slug. The slug is used to identify specific posts or pages, or in this case a category.

Slugs are usually auto-generated based on the title. And as with all web urls, they should (and usually are) be entirely lowercase, not contain spaces and be unique per workspace. Spaces are usually replaced by a hyphen or underscore. Punctuation marks are generally removed.

Slug preview

How to change slugs?

Slugs can be changed within the category settings after the category was created. Simply click the "gear" icon and find the section "Category slug" in the panel.

In a future update later this year, we will also make it possible to change article slugs.