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Nov 04, 2023

Frontend authentication is here 🔑

Finally, right? There are now 3 different methods to prevent external access to the frontend of a workspace:

  1. Restrict via IP address
  2. Restrict with global password
  3. Restrict with email and password frontend authentication

1 and 2 were already around for a while. They do what they promise, but are not always the best solution. Restrict with email and password authentication brings a lot more security and control benefits.

Frontend login with email and password

One of those benefits targets teams, or any scenario were multiple people with different accounts worked on a workspace that was restricted with a global password. When one of the people left a team, they could still use the password to access the workspace. So a new password would be needed and everyone on the team had to be informed. That... sucked, obviously.

Now, when a team member is removed and frontend authentication is activated, this former team member is not able to access the workspace anymore.

In a future update we plan to integrate more finer control so it will be possible to restrict certain user groups from categories and articles, both in the backend and frontend. We also plan to implement third-party authentication so our systems can connect to external systems and use JSON Web Token Authentication (JWT).

To enable this new authentication method, log in to your account and go to the workspace settings at eniston.io/base/settings#access. As with the existing global password screen and category password screen, the background color can be changed in the "Appearance" settings (Header Background Color).