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Dec 14, 2023

Improvements to "Articles" list, default theme mode, bug fix

Today's update brings a few improvements to the "Articles" list, as well as a choice for the default view mode (Dark / Light / System) and two bug fixes.

Articles list

The "Articles" list provides a quick glimpse into all articles that exist within a workspace. It is sorted alphabetically by default. Due to quite a few requests, we added a new view that will allow you to group those articles by category. The view preference is stored in the current session and will eventually reset to the default sorting.

Default view mode

Dark mode, light mode, system preference... everyone has different preferences and some change during the day. The default mode for the frontend view (where you and visitors view your workspaces) has always been light mode. Visitors were able to switch to dark mode if they preferred.

That switch still exists and won't go anywhere. But we added a new option to the "Appearance" settings that allow you to set the default mode. Visitors will still be able to use the toggle to switch the mode however they prefer. This is stored in the browser's local storage, and if a preference was already set by a recurring visitor, changing this value in the settings won't overwrite it.

Bug fixes

We also fixed a bug that would throw a server error when a draft article had a shadow category assigned. Draft articles don't appear in the frontend, but we missed a little where clause in our database query that would allow them to sneak in when shadow categories were loaded. This is now fixed.

Another bug we fixed was causing paginations to miss track of which page you were on. So when going back and forth, at some point, an error 404 would be thrown. Really weird, but yeah, that is now also fixed.