eniston Changelog

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Jul 23, 2022

Today we did a maintenance update and upgraded all underlying systems to their latest versions.

This is mainly in preparation for the August update (mid-end), which took way too long to finish. But it's finally coming within the next few weeks. It was a bigger endeavour than anticipated but we're finally getting the last touches ready and will ship this update soon.

We also fixed a few bugs, including a problem with how we validate CNAME records for custom domains. We also fixed a bug that occurred every once in a while when uploading images to articles.

Other bugs, such as not being able to upload SVG images as base logo, or the pesky autocomplete issue that will sometimes fill the IP restriction field in the settings will be fixed with the August update (among other things).

Nov 27, 2021

Minor improvements

You will notice many, sometimes subtle improvements to the backend (admin area) and frontend of your base(s). We corrected spacings, added a "back to category" button when creating articles, improved loading times or overall corrected a bunch of CSS faux-pas.

If your articles contain code examples, we also have good news for you: We now support 15 more languages, such as AppleScript, Ruby, Swift, SQL, YAML and many more. It is now also possible to copy code examples with a single click.

We now also highlight outgoing links with a special icon, so your visitors see directly which links will leave your base.