eniston Changelog

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© 2024 eniston Changelog
Jan 27, 2023

Starting today, you can earn money by telling others about eniston Knowledge Bases. Earn 30% recurring commissions for every referral. Join our affiliate program and start earning money while promoting our platform.

To learn more about it, read this blog post.

As usual, if you have any kind of question or feedback, feel free to get in touch.

Attachment sorting

We also added a small refinement to article attachments. It is now possible to sort the files you attached to articles. This can be handy if your files should be listed in a certain order.

Jan 09, 2023

Today we added Plausible Analytics as a new integration.

We are also working on the "Subcategories (Nesting articles)" feature that has been suggested a while ago. In fact, the backend implementation is already done, we just don't know how to best implement it to the frontend view to not make it look weird. Stay tuned as this will hopefully go live later this month.

Jan 04, 2023

Today we added a sitemap.xml to all workspaces. Simply go to your workspace url and append sitemap.xml, e.g. help.example.com/sitemap.xml to see all your categories and articles.

The sitemap is live, meaning as soon as you add a new category or article, the sitemap is automatically updated. To enable a sitemap for your workspace, simply go to your SEO settings and enable access for search engines.

We will soon add some more features so you can control which categories and articles should be excluded and optionally set a priority score. By default, the home page has a priority of 1.0, all other pages 0.5.

Jan 01, 2023

Happy new year! 🎉

We received some reports that there were lots of duplicate invoices generated, which in some cases resulted in 288 invoices generated for one single payment. This was due to an issue in the way we handled payment webhooks. This issue was introduced in a November 2022 update. No actual charge was conducted for those duplicates.

We fixed the issue and removed all duplicate invoices from the affected accounts.

Dec 01, 2022

Over the last few months we received quit a few support tickets regarding the search functionality. Most of you noted that it was only possible to search for article titles. That was partly true. You were also able to add keywords and an excerpt to articles which were also searchable.

But we get it, nothing beats a full-text search. Today we're happy to announce that we improved the search function and implemented a full-text search. In favor of this, we removed the preview of the excerpt in search results and replaced it with the (relevant part of the) article text.

In case you added an excerpt, this will still be searched, but not visible in the preview.

We also made it possible to search from category pages and articles when using the "Default" theme.

Dark Mode updates

We also made dark mode a little more... dark. Previously, we used very dark blue tones. That has been changed to actual tones of darker gray for both the "Default" and "Documentation" themes.

New integration

We recently also integrated Let's Connect as a new integration which you can add to your frontend. As usual, if you are in need for a specific integration, get in touch.

Oct 12, 2022

Today's update brings a new, requested feature:

Password-protected categories

It is now possible to password-protect a single category. To do that, go to your category settings and define a password.

Each category can have a different password and can optionally be combined with a global workspace password.

Oct 08, 2022

Today we shipped a new, nice-to-have feature for articles:


You may now attach files to your articles. Uploads are currently limited to 10MB per file and allowed file types are currently PDF, JPG, PNG, GIF, DOCX, ZIP and RAR.

Attached files will appear below an article. To attach a file, or multiple files, to your articles, simply edit your article and within the article settings, find the section "Attachments".

Quick view

We also added the possibility to quickly view an article from within the backend. This option is available directly in the article edit mode as well as in the category overview.

Minor improvements

We also made various improvements to Dark Mode, the splash screen after creating a new base and also fixed some minor bugs.

We also created a few short videos to help getting started with eniston. You can check them out in the "How to" categoryin our knowledge base.

Oct 01, 2022

Today we added the possibility to upload a custom logo for dark mode. This way you can make sure that your logo looks good in light mode, as well as in dark mode.

It is now also possible to have different brand colors for light and dark mode. Head to the "Appearance" settings to change the logo and colors.

We also added Gleap.io support, so you may now add this integration to your workspace.

Sep 29, 2022

As eniston grows to a bigger audience, which makes us very happy, we were made aware that the fonts we used only supported latin characters. Fair point.

Today we added support for Cyrillic and Greek characters.

One of the next updates will also feature the possibility to create custom translations. So you won't be limited to English, German or French, but can create your own language. This will specifically address thisthis and this request.

Stay tuned.